Tuesday, January 27, 2009

More than Familiar

Teen temperatures sent me power walking through the UCCS library today on my way to meet with a student. It's always my ambition to find ways to avoid being outside on such days. As I pumped my arms and clomped my boots passed studious collegiates and book lined shelves, I found myself recognizing faces. "Hi, Lauren!" a student said as I passed by. "Oh, hey! How are you?" A brief exchange of salutations and I was off again. Then it hit me. I'm not a student here, yet I know so many people.

There up on the bluff, within the public university, are dozens of faces that are more than familiar to me. They have names, they have personalities, they have pasts, they have futures, they have questions, they have thoughts, they exist to me. And every time I step foot on campus I enter into their world of activity. I am living life with them all the while showing them the light of Jesus.

I sat in Jazzman's, the on campus coffee shop, and talked with my freshman friend and we both occasionally paused to say hi to our passing friends. I think it's a testimony of God's grace and favor to give me friendships with these college students.

Thanks for your prayers-they are the foundations of these relationships.

The UCCS library. . .my inside "shortcut" during snowy days. (Please imagine a white ground and me huffing and puffing with seven layers on in this picture.)

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